Paddington's Beer Gardens

Paddington's Beer Gardens

Paddington's Premier Beer Gardens: A Refreshing Route

Welcome to Paddington, a district renowned for its canals, charming streets, and, most importantly, its inviting beer gardens. For guests at Hotel Indigo London Paddington, we've crafted a delightful route to explore some of the best outdoor spots for a pint in the area. Plus, we'll start with our very own hidden gem, the Garden Terrace.

Begin at Hotel Indigo London Paddington's Garden Terrace

Start your beer garden journey at the Garden Terrace at Hotel Indigo London Paddington. This boutique space is perfect for enjoying a drink in a more private, exclusive setting. It's an ideal spot for guests to relax before venturing out.

The Mall Tavern

A short walk from the hotel, The Mall Tavern not only offers a fantastic selection of beers but also boasts a beautiful garden area where you can enjoy your drinks surrounded by greenery.

The Sun In Splendour

Next, make your way to The Sun In Splendour, which features a quaint beer garden. It's a great spot to soak up the sun and enjoy a variety of beers on tap.

The Earl Of Lonsdale

Continue your crawl to The Earl Of Lonsdale. With its spacious beer garden, it's a perfect place to unwind and sample some of the local ales.

The Dickens Tavern

Conclude your tour at The Dickens Tavern. This traditional pub has a charming beer garden where you can reflect on your day and enjoy one last pint before heading back to the comfort of your room at Hotel Indigo.

This route offers a mix of traditional and modern beer gardens, each with its own unique atmosphere. Remember to drink responsibly and enjoy the vibrant spirit of Paddington's beer gardens. When you return to Hotel Indigo London Paddington, the comfort of your room and the memories of a day well-spent await you.

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